Welcome to the online resource for conductor, Joel Revzen! Read the latest reviews from his most recent performances. Browse photos of Joel in concert, listen to audio from his selected recorded work, or watch a video of live performances. It’s a pleasure to have you here and we hope you enjoy your visit.

More information can be found at Classical Tahoe

Read: SF Chronicle, SF Bay Area, New York Times

Listen: Public Radio ‘Insight’ piece about Tahoe

“Conductor Joel Revzen and the orchestra provided able and often luscious support throughout”. ~ San Francisco Chronicle (Merola Grand Finals Concert)

“From the opening bars of the Prelude, Revzen’s orchestra mustered reassuringly fine ensemble, and the pacing was judicious”. ~ David Shengold, Opera News, (La Traviata, Arizona Opera)

“Mr Revzen led a bracing, dramatically astute performance”. ~ Allan Kozin, New York Times (Berkshire Opera, Turn of the Screw)