Symphony: Water Music
Overture: Parachute Dancing
Ring of Fire
Symphony No. 3: Lyric
London Symphony Orchestra
Koch International Classics
Rec.: 1996
Rel.: 1997

Concerto for Piano, Violin and Strings
Symphony VIII in D
Olga Yanovich, Violin
Serguei Milstein, Piano
Moscow Symphony Orchestra
Newport Classic
#NCD 60152
Rec.: Dec. 1996
Rel.: 2000

Symphony No. 4, “String Symphony”
* Songs of Light and Love
* Songs from Letters – Calamity Jane to her daughter Janey
With Benita Valente (*)
Scottish Chamber Orchestra
Koch International Classics
#3-7481-2 HI
Rec.: June 1999
Rel.: 2000

The Consul
(first complete recording)
With Beverly O’Regan Thiele (Magda Sorel), Emily Golden (Secretary), Joyce Castle (Mother); Michael Chioldi (John Sorel); John Cheek (Secret Police Agent); and Nathalie Morais (Foreign Woman), Arianna Zukerman (Anna Gomez), Elisabeth Canis (Vera Boronel); David Cangelosi (Magician), James Demler (Assan); John Davies (Mr. Kofner), Matthew Lau (Secret Police Agent);
Berkshire Opera Theater; Camerata New York Orchestra
Newport Classic
#NPD 85645/2
Rec.: Jul. 1998
Rel.: 1998

The Art of Arleen Augér
Libby Larsen: Sonnets from the Portuguese;
“I thought once how Theocritus had sung”
“My letters!”
“With the same heart, I said, I’ll answer thee”
“If I leave all for thee”
“Oh, Yes!”
“How do I love thee?” with Members of the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra and the Minnesota Orchestra
Purcell: Three Songs (ed. Benjamin Britten);
“If music be the food of love”
‘Nymphs and Shepherds”
“Sweeter than roses”
Schumann: Fünf Lieder
“Lied der Braut I”
“Lied der Braut II”
“Die Soldatenbraut”
“Der Nussbaum”
Mozart: Fünf Lieder
“Das Veilchen”
“Dans un bois solitaire”
“Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte”
“Abendempfindung” with Joel Revzen, Piano
All selections with Arleen Augér, Soprano
Koch International Classics
Rec.: Nov. 1, 2001 (Larsen); Aug. 9. 1989 (Purcell/ Schumann) ; Jul. 3, 1986 (Mozart)
Rel.: 1993

Bach to Brubeck
Variations on themes by Bach (Arranged/Orchestrated by Chris Brubeck)
Praeludium 126 – W.Fr. Bach
Praeludium 114 – J.S. Bach
Variations on a theme by Bach
(Arranged/Orchestrated by Chris Brubeck)
Praeludium No. 2
Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedmann Bach
Praeludium for Lute – J.s. Bach (Arranged/Orchestrated by Chris Brubeck)
Koto Song-Dave Brubeck – (Arranged/Orchestrated by Russell Gloyd)
Blues Suite for Banjo & Orchestra – Bill Crofut and Bill Keith (Arranged/Orchestrated by Chris Brubeck)
Concerto for Bass Trombone and Orchestra – Chris Brubeck
Mvt. I – “Paradise Utopia”
Mvt. II – “Sorrow Floats”
Mvt. III – “James Brown in the Twilight Zone”
Easy Winners – Scott Joplin (Arranged/Orchestrated by Chris Brubeck)
Unsquare Dance – Dave Brubeck; Lyrics by Chris Brubeck (Arranged/Orchestrated by Chris Brubeck)
Blue Rondo a la Turk – Dave Brubeck (Arranged/Orchestrated by Darius & Chris Brubeck) with Bill Crofut (banjo & vocals); Chris Brubeck (trombone, piano, bass & vocals); Joel Brown (guitar & vocals);
The London Symphony Orchestra
Koch International Classics
Rec. 1997
Rel.: Feb. 2000